

OMG.  Let's just talk for a second about how much I ADORE this family - Erin, Brad and Panzer just simply rock.  They wanted to mark their one year anniversary by doing a 'dog washing session.'  This was TOTALLY Erin's idea, and in this world where nothing is original, I think this is as close as it gets.  Eek!  Anyhow... hope you enjoy this session filled with love and fun and bubbles!!!  ;)

happy anniversary to kelly & william!

So, since I'm fairly new to the Jennie Andrews team, I especially love posting about anniversaries because even though the pictures are from last year they feel new to me. I always go back in the blog archives (blogives?) and say "oh, I really like these!"  It's generally a difficult task to pick my favorite picture from any old wedding post, but somehow I figure it out. Ha.

But anyway--

Today we want to wish Kelly and William a very happy one year anniversary! Hope you two have had a wonderful year!

{click here to see the old post with lots more pictures!}



happy anniversary!

Just wanted to take a minute to wish Teri & Jonathon a happy first anniversary! They were married June 21, 2009.

So, happy "paper anniversary"-- and we hope you have many more happy years of marriage in your future!



Which picture of Teri and Jonathan is your favorite??