{frugal friday!}

So today is Friday (hooray!), and that means it's time to post some awesome finds from etsy! There's always so much new stuff to look at while browsing the "wedding" section, and it's generally hard to narrow it down to one post's worth of stuff... but I managed. Ha.

This week features a little inspiration for your head: some great alternatives to the traditional veil. There are three different options posted below, and each one caters to a different wedding style.

For a vintage inspired look, the Bandeau Style Birdcage Veil:

Click to visit the etsy page!

For a little more modern look, a rhinestone headband with no veil:

Click to visit the etsy page!

And the last style is a little more traditional:

Click to visit etsy page!

Which of these styles is your favorite?

Oh, and Happy Friday to you!